Thursday, January 16, 2014

Taking Irrigation Management to the Next Level with BaseStation3

The latest product that can improve growers' daily lives is coming soon. Valley®  BaseStation3 will  provide growers with a simple, customizable irrigation management solution.

“This product is designed to be very graphical and intuitive,” explains Vice President of Engineering and Strategic Technology Development Craig Malsam, who was in on the ground floor of the development of BaseStation3. “It should be intuitively easy to use; like an ATM – no user’s manual needed. It’s basically plug and play, right off the shelf.”

Product Manager John Campbell says people are really excited about this product.

BaseStation3 will allow growers to use a dedicated radio or cellular network to monitor and manage their irrigation machines remotely, through a tablet, smartphone, laptop, personal desktop computer, or just about any device that has a Web browser. Growers will be able to view more information in one place, from in-field moisture conditions to weather, and download native apps for iOS or Android devices.

This irrigation management solution will accommodate any type of installation and management practice, and not just for pivots. Growers will be able to control any brand of linears, solid set systems, and other irrigation machines. 

“We designed it to grow with the farming operation,” explains Campbell. “We’re very excited to provide growers with such a user-friendly, time-saving product.”

Text published in PivotPoint Fall 2013
