Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Circles for Rice | Weekly Update

Harvest | David Feilke's Field in Scott, AR, USA
Harvest has started in the United States!  Initial yields have started to come in from two fields, and we will have specific data in the next couple weeks.

So far, in fields where weed control and irrigation was consistent, we have observed yields approaching nearby flood irrigation yields.  Initial water use numbers, where we can compare to flood fields, indicate savings of 40% to 60%.

Irrigation is being cut back on the remaining fields as they range from late milk stage to approaching hard dough.  Irrigation cycles are being changed from every 1-2 days to every 3-4 days.

We anticipate harvesting the rest of the fields within the next three weeks.

Soft Dough Stage
Please visit the www.CirclesForRice.com often, as 2010 field and harvest updates will be consistently posted throughout the coming weeks.

How is your growing season progressing?  Share with us on our Comments board!
