Monday, October 7, 2013

Proof Positive Span Cable…Proof Will Put Thieves Behind Bars | by Julie Bushell

Over the past several years, I’ve been particularly frustrated by an issue that needs to be stopped, not just on principle, but for the integrity of crops and the agricultural market: span cable theft.

The countless stories of lost crops, pivot damage, lack of evidence, and no prosecutions spurred in me a sense of responsibility to take action. How can we not just deter theft but put thieves behind bars? ………. Proof!

And proof is the answer! In November 2012, Paige® Electric Company and Southwire® introduced Proof Positive® Span Cable. This cable is manufactured with a marker tape containing TraceID codes unique to every three inches. These codes are registered in an online database ( upon purchase and can be traced back to their rightful owner. The database provides 24/7 accessibility to scrap dealers and law enforcement, allowing for immediate proof of ownership and prosecution. Proof Positive has a distinguishing bright yellow jacket that sets it apart from standard black span cable and also serves as a deterrent.

Proof Positive Span Cable’s first birthday is approaching, and we have much to celebrate. The Institute of Scrap Recyclers Industries (ISRI) has become one of Proof Positive’s biggest fans. ISRI requests that scrap dealers around the nation participate in the End Copper Theft™ campaign, which offers marketing dollars and free publicity every time a prosecution is successful. Schnitzer, the nation’s largest metal recycler, also has publicly announced its support of Proof Positive technology and was instrumental in arrests in Georgia. Insurers are excited about the product and may issue a premium discount if it is installed on a pivot. Brownfield Ag News featured Proof Positive span cable in a news story and aired it nationally through the radio waves.

As we all know, stopping an epidemic like theft requires a group effort, and a group effort it has been. The support for Proof Positive has been overwhelming and incredibly inspiring. I look forward to countless prosecutions and the eradication of theft in an industry that I love and am proud of: agriculture.

Valley® Irrigation is doing its part to End Copper Theft and protect crops as the only center pivot irrigation manufacturer currently offering Proof Positive Cable Span to its dealer network. So contact your local Valley dealer today, or watch the Valley Proof Positive video, to learn more!

Julie Bushell
Paige Electric Company

Julie is a guest writer for the Growing the Conversation blog by Valley. She has been working for Paige Electric Company for almost 10 years. Her love of agriculture keeps her inspired and always turns customers into friends. She hopes that someday one of them will gift her with a huge, profitable ranch. In the meantime, she enjoys hiking with her two giant dogs, Lennox and Kira, and testing new recipes in her kitchen.
