Brooke Stover:

I am thankful for Dr. Oz (he recently announced that cheese is actually good for weight loss).
I am thankful for the awesome people I get to work with every day (minus a few unsavory characters, you know who you are – KIDDING!). I’m really thankful for the fun work environment at Valley – it’s true that if you enjoy your job you’ll never work a day in your life. (There’s a warm fuzzy on a cold day.)
I am thankful that I can tell people that I feed the world for a living. (This makes me sound really “cool” when I introduce myself in social situations.)

Michelle Stolte:
I am thankful for all the growers around the world who work extremely hard to feed each and every one of us every day. Thank you!!
Kelly Downing:

I still remember the moment very clearly. It was at 8:30 p.m., local time, on Oct. 15. It was not yet the end of a very long day. My traveling companion, Antoine Quily (our western Africa sales representative), and I had already been driving, working, and driving for about 15 hours, and we had three hours left before we would get to our hotel. We were sharing a small pickup with four other men, three goats, and half a ton of rice. I was very tired, very sore, and extraordinarily grouchy. Passing the time by listening to my iPod (set to “random play all songs”), a song by one of my favorite artists, Paul Thorn, began playing. The song is “I’m a Lucky Man” from his “Mission Temple Fireworks Stand” album.
It only took a few seconds for this song to help me “get my mind right.” I have included the lyrics below. I encourage all of you to read them (even better, buy the song or album and listen) and think about your own situation. I know tough times come to all of us, but sometimes I just need a little slap to the back of my head, like this. As the saying goes, “Why have a pity party? Nobody else shows up, and there are no snacks.” Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!
I’m a Lucky Man
In a dirty hotel room
Somewhere in rainy California
Channel surfing through the night
And there ain't nothing on
I went down to an empty bar
And I started talking to a stranger
He said "I come here every night
So I won't have to be alone"
I guess that I'm a lucky man
I guess that everything ain't all that bad
There's always somebody with less
I realize that I'm blessed
Now I understand, I'm a lucky man
Somewhere out there in the night
There must be a million people
They're just trying to survive
Barely holding on
I can't feel sorry for myself
When everything ain't goin' my way
'Cause I've got dreams and something else
I've got a reason to go on
I guess that I'm a lucky man
I guess that everything ain't all that bad
There's always somebody with less
I realize that I'm blessed
Now I understand, I'm a lucky man…
Jill Zwiener:
I’m thankful for the dedicated growers who rely on Valley equipment to water their valuable crops.

I’m thankful for the 500+ Valley dealers who put in countless hours each year to ensure our customers are happy.
I’m thankful for the engineers at Valley who design the most reliable center pivots in the industry!
I’m thankful for farmers. Without their hard work, resilience, determination, and dedication, I wouldn't enjoy the food I do every day of the year.
I’m thankful for the excitement and joyful smiles I saw on my nephews faces when they saw a combine harvesting a cornfield this fall.
I’m thankful for the stories my family members (my dad, uncles and aunts) have to tell about growing up on the farm years ago. They didn’t get to participate in sports like many other kids. They were milking the cows, raising livestock, and harvesting chickens. They were working hard to provide for their family.
Kelly Cox:

I am thankful for a lot in my life, but there are a few things I want to give homage to here and now. I am thankful for:
My wonderful husband, who is my very own superhero. He takes my antics in stride and really is the best person in the world for doing so. I couldn’t ask for more!
Garages, especially during the brink of a Nebraskan winter. ‘Nuff said.
The author Brandon Sanderson (and not just because he shares the same first name with my hubby). He finished The Wheel of Time series, a feat that no one else would have had the gall to take on! 14 books, most of which are about 1,000 pages long…good stuff.
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I’ll be even more thankful if you tell us what you are thankful for!