Monday, January 12, 2015

Google Maps Makes BaseStation3 Even More User Friendly

Irrigators who use Valley BaseStation3™ to remotely monitor and control their pivots are thrilled with how easy it is to use and the time it saves. However, Valley isn’t resting on its laurels. Instead, Valley is already making updates to further simplify life for growers by integrating Google Maps™ into BaseStation3. 

John Campbell, Valley advanced technology product manager, says BaseStation3 will now come equipped with the software for Google Maps. Existing BaseStation3 users only need a simple software update to take advantage of this new feature, available in December. 

Campbell says Google Maps is a natural fit for BaseStation3 and is very easy to use. Growers no longer have to draw their maps, which saves time during the initial setup. 

"All the grower has to do is enter the latitude and longitude of the machines, along with their lengths, and this software will place the machines on a map for easy viewing," Campbell explains. "This is especially helpful for growers who have larger operations that are spread out. They can see as much or as little as they want – the broader view or the details." 

Growers can view their machines on any Web browser and can zoom in and out of the high-resolution image, showing smaller areas or entire operations. As the image zooms out, machines are grouped into pins. Go out even farther, and colored circles show the number of machines in an area. 

"Google Maps is updated constantly, so growers are getting information that’s up-to-date," says Campbell. "And the grower can edit or tweak the location of the machines on the map, if they aren’t in exactly the correct spot."

Campbell says Valley developed this software update because customers asked for it. 

"We also think we’ll be able to integrate other features down the road, conceivably topographical information and weather," he says. "This integration gives us more options for the long-term."

Reprinted from Valley PivotPoint magazine, Winter2014
