Friday, October 30, 2009

Center pivot irrigated rice off to a good start in Brazil

irrigation BrazilThe Brazilian center pivot rice crop is off to a good start with four of the five fields that are part of the Valley Global Rice Project having emerged.  Weather at the pivots has been dry this week  and applications of 7mm has been applied by some.  Rain is expected moving in Sunday and Monday.  Dr. Concenco has installed the field monitoring equipment in two of the five fields.

The rice harvest is wrapping up in the US and we should have data to report on the production fields as well as the plots within the next week or so.

The Pakistan crop under the center pivot continues to develop with the worst blast damage to the transplanted rice and less to the direct seeded who's growth stage is not quite as far along.  It seems the fungicide treatments have helped slow the spread but as with most diseases, fungicides act as protectants only.

The Valley Rice Team is actively working on a webinar for our regional offices and other materials to support those wanting to use center pivots and linears for rice production.

Have a great week and we will be talking.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Update on rice happenings around the world

rice harvest ArkansasIn the US, rice harvest still is far behind due to extremely wet weather.  Another one of the pivots in the 2009 Valley trials from this summer was harvested and the dry yield average for the field is estimated to be 140bu/ac (6.6mt/ha) which considering the water stress the field experienced is good.  Plots continue to be harvested at different locations and as soon as we have the data we will pass it on.

The crop in Pakistan has headed and there is some concern about blast and the field is being treated with Redomil Gold and Score. 

Dr. Concenco reports that several of the fields in Brazil have been planted and a couple still need to be planted.  It has been dry and one farmer is needing to irrigate to germinate the rice while others are waiting for rain due to low levels in their reservoris.

Have a great week and we will talk with you again next week!

Friday, October 16, 2009

U.S. Rice Harvest and International Growing Seasons Updates

So what is new around the world this week for the Valley rice projects?

First, let's talk about harvest in the US. The weather finally permitted the harvest of one of the center pivot fields. The yield is estimated at 175bu/ac (8.2mt/ha) dry across the field as compared to the yield of 190bu/ac (8.9mt/ha) dry with traditional flooded rice production in the corners and adjacent field. With a little help from the weather, we should have some more harvest information next week.

In Pakistan, the crop continues to develop well and has folks excited about how good it looks and how little water is being used.

Lastly in Brazil, the weather also has been wet and so far planting has only been finished at one of the cooperator's center pivots. The crop has not emerged yet.

Comments and questions are welcome!

Monday, October 12, 2009

mature riceFinally I am back from travel to the Middle East!

Now what is happening with rice production under center pivots and linears:

In Brazil, Dr. Concenco reports our cooperators have almost finished with the planting of their center pivots.  In addition the research trials with Embrapa and IRGA are being finalized.

transplanting rice PakistanWhile in the Middle East I met with our cooperator from Pakistan and he is very excited about the rice under his center pivot so far.  He is confident that he is using significantly less water than on the tradition flood fields and the center pivot irrigated crop looks great.  I should mention the variety under this center pivot is Basmati.

In the US, weather has continued to be a challenge for the crop to mature and for harvest.  I should have more specifics for my next report.

Please remember that comments and questions are welcome!