Friday, October 30, 2009

Center pivot irrigated rice off to a good start in Brazil

irrigation BrazilThe Brazilian center pivot rice crop is off to a good start with four of the five fields that are part of the Valley Global Rice Project having emerged.  Weather at the pivots has been dry this week  and applications of 7mm has been applied by some.  Rain is expected moving in Sunday and Monday.  Dr. Concenco has installed the field monitoring equipment in two of the five fields.

The rice harvest is wrapping up in the US and we should have data to report on the production fields as well as the plots within the next week or so.

The Pakistan crop under the center pivot continues to develop with the worst blast damage to the transplanted rice and less to the direct seeded who's growth stage is not quite as far along.  It seems the fungicide treatments have helped slow the spread but as with most diseases, fungicides act as protectants only.

The Valley Rice Team is actively working on a webinar for our regional offices and other materials to support those wanting to use center pivots and linears for rice production.

Have a great week and we will be talking.
